Holy Discontent

| — Rev. Brandon Dirks — |

From Breakfast to a Motorcyclist Bible

1 Comment

By: Rev. Brandon Dirks

Only have time for a few photos…enjoy!


This is breakfast in Russia…French fries (sort of), bangers (hot dog), cheescake eggs (yes!) and whatever is in the cup..some sort of salad. My son would love French frieds, hotdogs and cheescake for breakfast!


My name tag. My first name in Russian


This is Anya and Dima (yes, the same Dima from my covenant group). They came here from Ukraine and are leading worship. Anya led the singing with her eyes closed. After, she told me that is the best way to make sure she is singing to God. An you can tell by the passion in her voice!


Several things to notice here: Dima is giving his testimony of how a covenant group has impacted his life and led him to want to come to this conference from Ukraine. Dima 2 (also from my group this week) is standing in the Harley-Davidson shirt filming him and praying for him. They never met until they met in my little covenant group. What awesome public support and love is displayed from Russian to Ukrainian! So proud of moi brat’ya!


Andrei Burbullis is the pastor who took us to his covenant group meeting in St. Petersburg. I was moved (again!) when he came to me and wanted to discuss what he thought of it. He thinks God has a higher calling for him, but worries that he sins to much!!! A UMC pastor, ordained, leader of the church…wanted to confess his sins to me! I was humbled and wanted to run away. I am definitely not worthy. He is doing an amazing job here in Russia. We talked and prayed and I personally prayed that I was able to offer some kind of encouragement.




Dima Sharing Faith Story

Dima  sharing his faith journey. He was a boxer as a kid and I couldn’t wait to tell him about our church’s relationship with a local boxing ministry. He came to faith when a motorcycle minister gave him a “Motorcyclist Bible.” Little did he know that he also just met his future wife!


One thought on “From Breakfast to a Motorcyclist Bible

  1. What a wondrous experience you are having!

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