Holy Discontent

| — Rev. Brandon Dirks — |

Goodbye My Brothers and Sisters

1 Comment

By: Rev. Brandon Dirks

We have finished up the conference in Russia. I am exhausted in every way possible…physically, emotionally and spiritually. But happy! I have fallen in love with my Russian brothers and sisters. I am filled with deep gratitude to represent Christ Church on this mission. I am honored that our church has had a huge hand in fulfilling our vision to heal divides…all the way in Russia…by helping them engage in covenant small groups.


Final day group photo. Very emotional. About 10 had to leave and missed the photo. These are now “sent” to go and make disciples through engaging in 22 small covenant groups! Most will return next year to report on how their year went and will bring new disciples with them to be trained. Multiplication is happening! Slaba Bogo! Praise God!


Sergei proudly showing off this Hope Necklace lovingly made by our Jewels of Grace group at Christ Church.


More hope necklaces


Closing session. I have NEVER experienced anything like this. Sergei brought the combined leadership team of Americans and Russians to the front and we prayed over EACH covenant group that was started last year, each leader, each person who wanted to start a covenant group this year, and each person who wanted to be in a covenant group. It was one of the most praying sessions I have ever been a part of. We prayed for about two hours. And the room was 78 degrees. And nobody left. Crazy!


Oleg, our worship leader, LOVES his hope necklace and actually asked me for a second one.


Sergei and Simon’s group. Oleg, in the orange, has started a covenant group with three men currently in prison. Amazing!

One thought on “Goodbye My Brothers and Sisters

  1. We are blessed that we had you to represent us so well! I know we will have opportunities to hear more of your experiences! Thank you!

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